Saturday 3 May 2014

Khador Man-O- War Demolition Corps Pt6

Ok, so as i slowly start packing up all my stuff as it finally looks like I'll be moving into a new house soon, my hobby time has been somewhat limited. I have however managed to get some highlights done on these guys. From the previous post I have highlighted them with a 1:1 mix of VMA Scarlett Red and VMA Sand, then just gradually added a little bit more VMA Sand each time. I didnt really want to highlight these with orange as i think it changes the hue of the model far too much as i have seen with so many Blood Angels armies. The hue is a little bit pinky at the moment but I'm going to knock that back with a couple of glazes and then take it from there. In addition to this i have also got some bases done ready!

Friday 18 April 2014

Khador Man-O- War Demolition Corps Pt5

Ok, so, finally a bit of colour on these guys now. I picked out some of the armor panels with white before giving them a coat of VMA Scarlett Red. This has created nice shading on the model already and areas that would be hit by the most light have a much brighter shade of red. Next up for these guys will be highlighting, then a red glaze. Then it will be on to the detail work. I'm also working on assembling a few Khador jacks and a few Cryx models i have picked up over the last week. 

Monday 7 April 2014

Khador Man-O- War Demolition Corps Pt4

Firstly I mounted these guys up on some cork to make it a bit easier to handle them while painting. Then I gave them a coat of black primer, and although i was originally going to prime them with white from above, I thought i would try giving them a coat of Vallejo Model Air Hull Red first as i didn't want the shadows in the recesses to have too much of a stark contrast with the highlight. Next up i will be picking out some highlights in white then giving them a nice red coat which should leave them with some nice shading in the recesses.

Other than these guys I am also working on repainting and basing my Cryx force. I have only been doing mundane things like paint stripping models but I have started working on the bases. They are pretty simple to do, just some modelling putty, a bit of sand then painted up. Still a work in progress but hopefully they will turn out pretty good.

Friday 4 April 2014

Khador Man-O- War Demolition Corps Pt3

Ok, so a bit of an update. I'm currently in the middle of moving house so updates are going to be a bit sporadic over the next month or so, but i have managed to get a bit of work done on these guys. I've tidied  up and assembled them and they are going to get primed today ready for painting. I'm going to coat them with Vallejo polyurethane primer, firstly in black, then secondly in white, just from above, hitting all the armor plates where the light would hit. This will give me a good base to work from when i give them a coat of red as i will have some nicely defined shadows already.

I have numerous projects in various stages of completion, so the idea with this Khador project was to buy one unit at a time and not buy anything else till it was completed.... I think that was a bit of a pipe dream as i couldn't resist and have already bought a few other things! I thought it made sense to pick up the Warmachine starter set. It will be handy to have the small rulebook and the amount of models you get in this set is amazing value for money. The Khador part of the set i will be cracking on with straight away, and the Menoth i will be putting to one side with the rest of the Menoth stuff i have (For the time being).  That's about all for now, next post should see a bit of color on these guys!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Khador Man-O- War Demolition Corps Pt2

I finally found some time to get the bases done. I painted up the rocks and the water, then applied a gloss varnish over the water and let that dry. Finally, I added some Vallejo water effects and I am pretty pleased with the result. I want to add a few patches of snow here and there but will wait until i have the models painted up and on there as i don't want to overdo it.

Next up i will be assembling the models and getting them primed up and ready for painting. I have also ordered the Warmachine starter set as it is probably one of the best value for money starter sets going and will give me a nice start up force for my Khador.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Khador Man-O- War Demolition Corps Pt1

So i have finally got these out of the box and have started cleaning them up. First impressions, I love the chunkiness of these models. There are a couple of minor casting issues on the legs but nothing that cant be easily remedied. So far i have cleaned up the legs and torso and have started work on the bases. For the bases of this force i am going to go with the impression they are traveling over rocks and water, with a bit of snow here and there. 

I have used thin bits of cork, layered up to make the rocks, and around that is milliput, which i have modeled to look like waves crashing again the rocks. I think i might get these bases more or less done then crack on with getting the models put together. More to come!

Monday 10 March 2014


Having recently got into Warmachine last year i decided it was about time to start another faction. I started off with Cryx and really enjoy playing them but as soon as i saw these models i knew Khador was going to be the one for me. I love the look of these models and for me its always style over substance when it comes down to painting miniatures, although with these guys, they look awesome and are pretty bad ass on the tabletop too. More to come!

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Plague Spreads.....

Welcome to my blog. This will hopefully be a place where i can share my various works and keep motivated, while i attempt to paint the hundreds of models i have collected over the years. I'm mainly a Warhammer Fantasy, Bloodbowl and Warmachine player, although i do dabble with a bit of 40k. I mostly play Skaven in Fantasy and Cryx in Warmachine, although i do collect a lot of other armies too. I'm currently starting up a Khador force in Warmachine which i will most likely be posting up first.