Tuesday 18 March 2014

Khador Man-O- War Demolition Corps Pt2

I finally found some time to get the bases done. I painted up the rocks and the water, then applied a gloss varnish over the water and let that dry. Finally, I added some Vallejo water effects and I am pretty pleased with the result. I want to add a few patches of snow here and there but will wait until i have the models painted up and on there as i don't want to overdo it.

Next up i will be assembling the models and getting them primed up and ready for painting. I have also ordered the Warmachine starter set as it is probably one of the best value for money starter sets going and will give me a nice start up force for my Khador.


  1. Looking good. Which models are you going to mount on them?


  2. Hi Rosie, I'm going to be mounting my Warmachine Khador Man-O-War troops on them. I'm going to be priming them up ready for painting today. Thanks for commenting
